
A virtual world crafted from Millions of Building Blocks. Construct, drive, amass, undertake missions. Immerse yourself in the ambiance of a sun-soaked, tropical American city. An unparalleled world, unlike any created thus far.

Bricks. Bricks everywhere!

Brickland is powered by:

Unique World

Brickland is world crafted from millions of building blocks! Construct or destroy, drive, fight, amass undertake missions!

Feel the atmosphere of a sunny, tropical American city. Cars, guns, locations to discover and buy. And everything is built of bricks! A game that will never be released by any brick manufacturer. A game that adult block fans are looking forward to.

Plastic bricks are the most popular, and best-selling, toys of all time. It’s fun for children and adults of all ages and has an incredible history dating back over 80 years. Bricks are for millions of people a life passion. Bricks are almost everywhere, in movies, art, amusement parks and games for children. Now the blocks will also be available in a more serious game that appeals to teenangers and adults.

NFTs made of construction blocks

It's more than a picture. These are three-dimensional projects that can be built with blocks that have billions of people around the world. These are projects that can be released as a serial set.

We will create a Marketplace for fans of construction blocks and design collections such as Football Guyz.

Our Roadmap

You can become an early investor.
Construction bricks are the life passion of millions of people around all the world!

Stage I

BrickLand Map Alpha.
Marketing Materials & Website v1
Early Gamplay
BrickGuyz NFTs

Stage II

Game Demo
Expanding team
Bricland Development
community building

Stage III

Brickland Alpha
Expanding team
Brickland Development

Stage IV

Cooperations with influencers
Start building real Brickland map
Intensive marketing activities

Stage V

Opening of the Brick Museum.
Production of the first set of bricks based on NFT
Brick NFT Marketplace

Brick Museum

Real place where BrickLand will be located.

Land recreated 1:1 from Brickverse. There also will be displayed the most valuable Brick NFT’s but not printed on the paper, it will be real bricks models!

Brickland Map

The first ever game which will be exist in virtual and the same time in real world!


Your brick art can be exhibited in Brick Museum. The most valuable NFTs will be recreated from bricks and shown to visitors.

Web 3

Web3 signifies the future of the internet, embodying decentralized systems that redefine digital interactions.

Real Buissnes

Museum is an additional attraction for our fans and an additional source of income - tickets, sets of blocks, etc.

Asked Questions

Brickland is created by professional designers with many years of commercial experience. The team will be systematically enlarged. If you have experience in creating games and love building blocks, feel free to write. Maybe we are looking for you.

It is not possible yet. Follow our Twitter and website, there will be all information regarding the premiere. Alpha should be available in 2025.

There is no decision on the location yet. We will want to locate museum in a place where our fan community will be the largest and most engaged.

Web3 is the future of gaming. Largest technology players are here, like Meta, Microsoft, Google and not only. Famous brands like Nike, Disney, Adidas see huge the potential in it. We also believed that blockchain and web3 is the future.